outdoor party games // Summer

 When the weather is hot and sunny,

and you have an outdoor space at your party,

Birthday games are easy peasy to plan for.

For two of my girls’  favorites,

all you need is a faucet, bucket and paper cup!

Water tag

  1. Fill bucket and hand to the child who is “It”.
  2. “It”  then has to run after the other children, and
  3. “tag” them by splashing them with the water in the bucket!
  4. That soaking wet child is now “It”!
  5. Refill bucket and repeat. 

Drip, Drip, Drop

  1. Fill cup with water and hand to child who is “It”
  2. All the other children sit in a circle and “It” walks around the circle {in Duck, Duck, Goose fashion} chanting drip (drips some water on each head) and then… DROP! (drops remaining water in cup on child’s head and that child springs up and chase “It” around the circle until they a) catch “It” placing “it” in the middle of circle for remainder of game or b) Do Not catch “It”, allowing It to sit in their abandoned spot, making the child standing “It”).
  3. Refill cup and repeat.